BBL Defense Fund
The World Association of Gluteal Surgeons (WAGS) is here to help defend the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL). We were successful in removing the Plastic Surgery Board Certification or Board Eligibility requirement to perform BBL’s in Florida over the last few days. Currently, Bill CS/CS/HB 1471 states that if you have more than 10% blood loss during an office based BBL in the state of Florida, you are committing medical malpractice and you will be reported to the Medical Board of Florida. In addition, the liposuction part of the BBL cannot be delegated to another surgeon. This is not scientifically based, does not decrease mortality and if it passes, it will probably have a domino effect in other states as well. We have established a donation fund to help support this cause. We urge all members to make a donation before TUESDAY, APRIL 25th, 2023, when a vote on this bill is expected. We will use the funds exclusively for this cause. We are planning to hire a Lobbyist so that we can defend the BBL and be aware of any bills that may come up in a timely manner instead of the current emergency situation.
A minimum of a $2000 donation is recommended by surgeons in the state of Florida and a $500 donation is recommended by surgeons in other states and countries.
Thanks for all your efforts and generous support!